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Mission Statement
To provide non-traditional educational choices that promote lifelong learning for adult residents and their families who seek to improve their skills in order to successfully realize their full potential as workers, family members, and citizens.

The Key to Your Success!
Welcome to Lifelong Learning Choices! The agency provides free basic education classes to adults who are not currently enrolled in high school.
We offer a variety of classes to help learners obtain the High School Equivalency (via the GED® test or HiSET®), improve basic skills in order to gain/retain employment or enter college or trade school. ESL (English as a Second Language) classes are offered to support adults who need to develop English speaking and writing skills.
We recognize that some learners may benefit from getting additional “one-to-one” help in some areas. Tutors may be available to assist learners attending class to work on a particular subject area, or they may provide help to learners who are working on their basic reading, writing and math skills. Tutors are qualified volunteers who provide their services to the agency at no cost – we may not have enough tutors to provide this service to everyone but will assign those learners who will benefit most.
Lifelong Learning Choices offers educational case management support to all students in the program. The student support coordinator is available to help identify resources that may help you overcome any barriers or challenges that are making it hard for you to succeed in class. We realize that, as adults, we all have many demands on our time and attention – if you have a problem that is interfering with your progress, please feel free to contact the student support coordinator at the office on 724-654-1500. The student support coordinator is also available to assist you in identifying your next steps toward your career or post-secondary education goal.
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